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Affidavit by Matthew Heiti photo Colin Beiers...A Girl on the Subway by Anthony Arnold photo by Colin Beiers...Yippies In Love by Bob Sarti photo by Evan Digby...The Private Life of Jesus Christ by David Sard photo by Colin Beiers...Bruce: The Musical by Bob Sarti photo by Sindy Angel...

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>>> Welcome to Theatre In the Raw, in Vancouver BC
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Recent Productions:
"Wound Up in One-Acts" 2019 One-act mini-fest
Theatre In the Raw presents Enter Laughing by Joseph Stein - May 8th thru May 19th 2019
Our latest Newsletter, The Raw Times, available >>
Join our facebook Group & follow us on twitter >>

Footage of the event is on YouTube:

Part 1

Part 2


Remembering the great Jay Hamburger, Founder of Theatre In the Raw
by Sylvan Hamburger

A tribute to Jay written by Sylvan and published in the Georgia Straight >>

Click for full image

The whole memorial is recorded and on YouTube. Please feel free to share this link with anyone who was unable to attend in person:


Thank you

Jay Hamburger ~ 1947 - 2024

Jay Hamburger, Artistic director and founder of Theatre In the Raw, passed away peacefully late March 2024 surrounded by his loving family after a short battle with cancer.

Jay’s inimitable spirit and indomitable character informed decades of theatre and performance work as a producer, director, playwright, lyricist, actor, dramaturge, and teacher in both Canada and the USA. He was a voice of encouragement in a very discouraging world, truly a positive and creative force, and always concerned with addressing injustice and "exposing voices seldom heard".

We thank you all for the outpouring of support.


Theatre In the Raw's Raw Diaries program on Co-op Radio


Every second Friday of the month at 9:00 pm on Vancouver Co-op Radio, Theatre In the Raw hosts a program featuring interviews, radio dramas, artist features music poetry and more.

Check out a broadcast live on CFRO 100.5 FM at 9:00 PM every second Friday of the month or visit The Raw Diaries Archive to listen to previous episodes.

Also follow us on Facebook for news about each new Raw Diaries program or other featured TITR broadcasts:

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Recent Production:

Show Info:

 Radio Broadcast on CFRO 100.5 FM June 29th 2023 at 10:00 PM!


THEATRE IN THE RAW's Upcoming Show - August 6th & 7th:

TITR is pleased to announce that we will be performing the one-act play IN RE: RADDING v GLAZER by Steve Karp for a live audience for the first time since the beginning of the pandemic as part of the Flag Stop Theatre & Arts Festival in Whistler BC.

Click here for more info...


Theatre In the Raw's 12th Biennial Play Writing Contest Results: 

June 30, 2022 - Finalists Announced

First Choice
An Evening with Oscar and Noel  by Craig Mason & Thomas Mason
Second Choices:
Firewater  by Seanan Palmero Waugh
The Cave of Salamanca  by Angela J. Davis
Third Choices:
Act of Love  by Ron Davies
Jupiter by Marsha Roberts

B-17   by James Hebert
Holding on to Harry  by Geoff Hewitson
Kenny and the Kachina Man  by Norman A. Bert
Virtual Reality  by Dante Ambriel

Social Issues
Play Recognition:

A Picnic to Remember   by Teri Hegarty
Climbing Kilimanjaro  by Marc Littman
Grind City   by Rosemary Parrillo
The Rent  by Marsha Roberts

Youth Theatre:

  • Reminisce  by Robert Francis Flor

here yeeeeee...!Thank you to all that participated in the contest.  Once again, we were very impressed with the originality and diversity of the scripts as well as the quality of writing. Thank you all for your creative input. It is important.

Feedback and prizes will be distributed in the coming weeks. If you provided us with a Self Addressed Stamped Envelope we will be returning your original script as well.

- Theatre In the Raw

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December 2019 One-Act Mini-Fest ... >> Show info

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@ Studio 16 (1551 West 7th Ave)

...show info archive

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2019 Mainstage Presentation...

Show Info

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Theatre In the Raw Presents: THE THREEPENNY OPERA

Click for show info, photos, & more!

Thank you to all who came out to the successful run of the Brecht and Weill play!

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click here for contest flier!! Hear Ye, Hear Ye!
It's that time again... Our...

13th Biennial One-Act Playwriting Contest 2022/2023 accepting entries!

Flier with all guidelines and details (pdf) >>

We're looking for the best, new and fresh One-Act plays never before performed or published. (Plays may have been previously workshopped).

We particularly look forward to plays submitted on themes of cultural/social diversity!

Guidelines, Entry Rules and Fee:
Plays not submitted via ALL Guideline/Entry Rules and/or without the entry fee(s) will be returned - not read.

Philomena by P. Foley
Philomena by Patrick Foley

All One-Act Play Submissions must be:

• An original One-Act play (comedy, tragedy, drama or radio play), unpublished and previously unproduced. (Plays may have been previously workshopped). PLEASE DO NOT SEND US 2-ACT PLAYS - This is a One-Act Play Contest.

No longer than 30 double-spaced typed pages equal to 30 minutes, with no more than 6 characters, presented in proper stage-play format, and scripts MUST have page numbers. (Please include a SASE (with your present/current contact address) for return of script. Send copies only of script. NO original manuscripts.)

There is an entry fee of $25 for each one-act submitted to Theatre In the Raw. (For two plays: $45 - For three plays: $70 - For four plays: $90) (FEES ARE IN CANADIAN FUNDS, FOR U.S. & FOREIGN ENTRIES, PLEASE SEND USD CHEQUE OR INTERNATIONAL MONEY ORDER)

Please make cheques/money orders payable to "Theatre In the Raw", bearing the submission date and NAME OF PLAY ENTRY and AUTHOR on cheque memo line.

(Note: Plays without the entry fee cheque or funds will be returned unread.)

(Sorry, NO EMAIL SUBMISSIONS will be accepted! - Plays must be submitted in hard copy with numbered pages)

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Mail Submissions to:

Theatre In the Raw Society
Artistic Director/One Act Play Contest
3521 Marshall Street
Vancouver, BC V5N 4S2 Canada

(Please make entry fee cheques/money order payable to "Theatre In the Raw Society")

Questions? Tel: 604-708-5448

Deadline for Entries:

All Entries must be mailed and postmarked no later than December 31, 2023.

The Winners Will Receive:

First Prize: A $300 cash prize. At least one dramatic reading or staging of the play at a Theatre In the Raw cafe/venue or as part of a mini-tour program for the One-Act Play Series Nights.
Second Prize: A $200 cash prize.
Third Prize: A $100 cash prize.
Honorable Mentions: No cash prize, but constructive critique returned with note of appreciation.

Social Issue Plays Recognition: No cash prize, but constructive critique returned with note of appreciation.

- Winners will be announced June 30 the following year

See Some Live Theatre Today!


*Theatre In the Raw reserves the right to suggest changes, workshop and play-edit scripts, pending approval of the playwright, before production, reading, or presentation. The author agrees to consider these changes and no changes will be made without explicit prior approval of the author and mutual agreement with TITR. Any such changes become the sole and exclusive property of the Author without lien, claim, or encumbrance.

**No plays will be considered where there has been any fees previously paid for performance(s) and... please no more than 3-4 plays submitted per playwright. This will be strictly adhered to.

***Contest entry fees and winning prizes in Canadian Funds. Sorry, NO EMAIL SUBMISSIONS will be accepted!

****If a winning One-Act is staged by Theatre In the Raw, we would very much appreciate being mentioned for the production in future play programs.

Final Deadline for Entries:
- All Entries must be mailed and postmarked
no later than December 31, 2023

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Our Newsletter, The Raw Times...

Our 2020 IssueClick here to download our latest newsletter...
4 pages in pdf format...

Our Newsletter - download the pdf version below...


Enjoy the read and our latest e-News!

The Raw Times latest edition...

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alt.theatre... Cultural diversity and the stage...We were featured in alt.theatre Magazine!

A beautiful layout and article in the March 2010 edition of art.theatre magazine features a story about our successful production of Bruce - The Musical by Bob Sarti, Music by Bill Sample and Earle Peach.

Written by Sarah Banting, a doctoral candidate at UBC, considers the success of Bruce - The Musical's aim to bridge the communities of Vancouver's West and East Sides.

Download and read a pdf of the 8 page article here >>

Click here to visit our "Bruce - The Musical Archives page >>

Playwrights Guild of Canada...We were in CanPlay!
We are thrilled and honoured to have an article written about us in CanPlay - the Playwrights Guild of Canada Magazine by Gail Nyoka - The article is in their issue: Spring 2009, Issue 2, Volume 25... Enjoy and thank you Gail!

Click Jay's Mug to Buy Theatre In the Raw a Virtual Coffee...

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"Giving Exposure to Voices Seldom Heard" since 1994!

Get a tax-deductible receipt and learn about other ways to donate and support us here >>

About TiTR | Mission Statement | Past Productions | Upcoming Productions | Our Sponsors |Join & Donate | Links | Site Map

© 1994-2025 Theatre in The Raw Society | All Rights Reserved | Drawing of Jay: Atty Gell | Photos: © 1994-2025

>>> Theatre in The Raw <<<
Mailing Address: 3521 Marshall Street, Vancouver, BC V5N 4S2
Telephone: 604-708-1454
Email: info@theatreintheraw.ca

Theatre In the Raw acknowledges that it is operating on the unceded traditional territories of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), Swx̱wú7mesh (Squamish), and səlilwətaɬ ( Tsleil-Waututh ) Nations.

site design/content by weaver & Katrina Sedaros