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>> 2017/2018 Season Mainstage Presentation

Theatre In the Raw presents:
by Arthur Miller

poster design by M. Spira (2018)

Show Info: Arthur Miller's Incident at Vichy portrays persecution and anti-Semitism during the early days of WWII. During the Nazi occupation, a group of people are detained in a warehouse in the "Free Zone" of Vichy France under suspicion of being Jewish. Their unease, fear, and confusion is stirred up as they contemplate what options they may have left. What fate awaits them? Miller's 1964 dramatization was lauded for exploring the perspectives and rationalizations of those unknowingly bearing witness to the unfolding atrocity of the Holocaust. It remains relevant today as incidents of intolerance, hatred and exclusion increase worldwide as an extreme historical example from which to interrogate our own values.

Theatre In the Raw intended this play to be a powerful moment to help Vancouver audiences understand what has happened in the past, and as a warning for the future. What if we disengage from the suffering of others? What if we remain in denial should such types of systematic hatred occur? What if we fail to understand the way in which we may be complicit by simply doing nothing? Panel discussions followed each performance and explore these questions and others emerging from Arthur Miller's work under the theme: "Can this happen here?"

The panel discussions featured guest speakers including represenatives from many advocacy groups and other NGOs, as well as activists and academics and concerned citizens. Theatre In the Raw thanks Mel Lehan, Karah Goshinmon, the Nikkei National Museum and Cultural Centre, Jan Nordin, the Wallenberg Sugihara Civil Courage Society, Dr. David Borys, Michele Smolkin, Maria Lakes, Hillary Kaplan, Dr Conrad King, Amnest International, Chris Morrissey, the Rainbow Refuge Soceity, Frank Cohn, and the Vancouver Association of Survivors of Torture for all participating in the aftershow discussion forums.

Regular Admission $25 - Students/Seniors $22 Dates & Times (10 performances):

April 11th - "pay-what-you-can" preview - curtain 8 pm
April 12th to 14th - doors 7 pm, curtain 8 pm
April 15th - Matinee - doors 1 pm, curtain 2 pm

April 18th - 2-for-1 admission night at the door!
April 19th to 21st - doors 7 pm, curtain 8 pm
April 22nd - Matinee - doors 1 pm, curtain 2 pm


Directed by Jay Hamburger, Incident at Vichy features a must-see ensemble cast that includes Jacques Lalonde*, R. David Stephens*, Michael Kruse-Dahl, Ralston Harris, Roger Howie, Brian Leslie, Rob Monk, Alex Chisholm, zi paris, Julie Merrick, Daniella Herrera Ruiz, Simon Challenger, Laen Avraham dov Hershler, Jay Hamburger, Stanley Fraser, and Giuseppe Bevilacqua.

Vancouver's long-standing independent company Theatre In the Raw has been presenting challenging works of this calibre since 1994. The company is now entering its 24th season.

Incident at Vichy (Left to Right: Roger Howie, R. D. Stephens, Laen Avraham dov Hershler, Michael Kruse-Dahl, Brian Leslie, and zi paris) Photo Colin Beiers (2018)

"it's not your guilt I want, it's your responsibility! - that might have helped!" - Leduc, Incident at Vichy by Arthur Miller

"'If you're on one of those trains - get out before it gets where it's going' - Bayard - In Incident at Vichy a diverse group finds themselves detained (photo by Colin Beiers 2018)

""We will not walk in fear, one of another. We will not be driven by fear into an age of unreason, [...] not from men who feared to write, to speak, to associate..." See It Now - CBS TV broadcast (March 1954) ~ Edward R. Murrow, American journalist/broadcaster

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Thanks to:
The Lohn Foundation

Incident at Vichy is presented by special arrangement with Dramatists Play Service, Inc., New York.

*appear with permission of Canadian Actors Equity Association

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© 1994-2025 Theatre in The Raw Society | All Rights Reserved | Drawing of Jay: Atty Gell | Photos: © 1994-2025

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Mailing Address: 3521 Marshall Street, Vancouver, BC V5N 4S2
Telephone: 604-708-1454
Email: info@theatreintheraw.ca

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