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Affidavit by Matthew Heiti photo Colin Beiers...A Girl on the Subway by Anthony Arnold photo by Colin Beiers...Yippies In Love by Bob Sarti photo by Evan Digby...The Private Life of Jesus Christ by David Sard photo by Colin Beiers...Bruce: The Musical by Bob Sarti photo by Sindy Angel...

Welcome to our Virtual Café
We Need a Jolt to Keep Going... Consider "Buying us a Coffee"...

Is the cup half empty or half full?

Despite being left half naked by devastating economic cutbacks, Theatre In the Raw is still dedicated to producing unusual, awakening and engaging theatrical productions. Please help keep our costumes on! ...How? Please see below >>

Buy us a Virtual Coffee!
We need a Jolt to Keep Going... Donate Today!


We welcome any amount from a raw $15 to a sizzling $1,000!
And, you'll get a Canada tax-deductible receipt to-boot!

Check out how you can help  keep Theatre In the Raw working!Theatre In Raw generates a buzz as a professional theatre company providing "Exposure to Voices Seldom Heard" since 1994. Most of our revenue is returned into our community, providing an economic jolt of employment for local artists - We even won a CED Award for that!
Despite being steamed by devastating cutbacks we're wide awake and insist that our cup is still half full!

So, for the price of a couple coffees, you can add some jazz to our java and energize the arts in our community. Buy a coffee and help us stack the Cups high right here on our website… See the Cups stacking up below >>

For each donation, we'll help you create YOUR OWN BUZZ by posting and giving you a valuable live web link "Coffee Cup" to promote your website, blog, project or business. It's a cheap easy way to send business your way, plus it's tax deductible!

This is what your own Cup-Link would look like...
A sample Recognition "Coffee Cup" Web Link

"The theatre has nearly always been subsidized by somebody; the king, the court, the church, the State. The support has often been somewhat hesitant because authority never wholly trusts the theatre: it asks too many awkward questions. It is an instrument of change; it does not normally preserve the status quo. It frequently produces a live debate that frees the imagination and provokes the public to ask questions. It is therefore dangerous." - Peter Hall

Donate to Grassroots Theatre in Vancouver by Joining our Virtual Café Today!
(Securely with PayPal or by mail, see below)...

Where did all the funding go?

Other healthy RAW ways to give:
If you don't feel comfortable giving with PayPal...

• We will welcome a cheque too - payable to:
Theatre In the Raw Society: Admin.,
3521 Marshall Street, Vancouver, BC Canada V5N 4S2

Call us... Tel: 604-708-5448

By giving securely through www.candahelps.org

In person: at Theatre In the Raw Performances

We're an official Charitable Non-Profit Society


~ Our Virtual Café ~

Thank you to ALL who have "bought" us a Cuppa Joe...
Stacking the Cups to Help us Keep Going...
Let's see how high we can stack 'em!
Download your free "RESTORE ARTS FUNDING NOW!" Poster here >>

Thank you Anonymous...
Thank you Anonymous...
Thank you Anonymous...
Click to visit www.eleanorboyle.com...
Thank you Renee Rodin...
Thank you Anonymous...
Thank you Anonymous...
Thank you Anonymous...
Thank you Anonymous...
Thank you Anonymous...
Click to visit Colourbox Hairdressing...
Thank you Anonymous...
Click to visit Cardel Accounting....
<IMG SRC="../images/jolt/donor-cups-2/anonymous-100.jpg" WIDTH="205" HEIGHT="95" ALT="Thank you Anonymous...">
Thank you Brian Cox...
Thank you CP (Concord Pacific) Charitable Trust One...
Thank you Anonymous...
Thank you Anonymous..
Thank you Edith Frankel...
Thank you Anonymous...
Thank you Anonymous...
Click to visit the Vancouver and District Labour Council...
Thank you Anonymous...
Thank you Anonymous Monthly Sustainer...
Thank you Anonymous...
Thank you Anonymous...
Thank you Anonymous...
Thank you Dave Myles...
Thank you Anonymous...
Thank you Bratface...
Thank you Anonymous...
Thank you Anonymous...
Thank you Anonymous...
Click to visit Robert Kinnard...
Thank you Anonymous...
Thank you Anonymous...
Thank you Anonymous...
Thank you John Pasquin...
Thank you Mary and Herb Auerbach...
Thank you Anonymous...
Thank you Anonymous...
Thank you Marian Collins...
Click to visit Out Walking the Dog. Blog...
Click to Email Sid Tan ACCESS-TV...
Thank you Anonymous...
Click to visit Adam Abrams...
Thank you Anonymous...
Thank you Anonymous...
Thank you Anonymous...
Thank you Anonymous...
Thank you Anonymous...
Thank you Wong Wing-Siu Storyteller...
Click to visit Community Arts Workshop...
Thank you Len Auclair...
Thank you Anonymous...
Thank you Anonymous...
Click to visit Inner Designs by Robin Lennnon...
Thank you Patrick and Anne Aubourg...
Thank you Anonymous...
Click to visit Play Enthusiast...
Thank you Anonymous...
Thank you Anonymous...
Click to visit Cardel Accounting....
Thank you Anonymous...
Click to visit The Drive is Alive...
Click to visit carol weaver creative...
Thank you Anonymous...
Note: Recognition "Coffee Cup" Web Links are stacked in the order received and posted weekly.
Above Coffee Cup Royalty-Free Image from the Dreamstime Community >

In our Appreciation...
Another Gift for You - for Supporting Us...

You're invited to download a full colour mini-poster (8.5 x 14 or 8.5 x 11) of our response to the recent Arts Cuts - Click on the image below to download the pdf poster now...

Click to download our free pdf poster of Jay...
Sample poster - actual size is 8.5 x 14 inches. Please load legal-size paper into your printer to print, and will take a few moments to download... Don't have legal size paper - just letter 8.5 x 11?
• Click here to download a letter-size 8.5 x 11 inch version >>

Feel free to post and pass this poster on to your friends to help us spread the word... Please let your local government reps know how you feel about the Arts Cuts!
As life without Art would be pretty boring...

Restore Arts Funding NOW!  Help Support the ARTS... Thank you!

Thank You!

Like, where did all the funding go?

Thank You for Supporting Theatre In the Raw and the continuation of local grassroots theatre!


Jay Hamburger, artistic director  of Theatre In the Raw Society....

All photos of Jay Hamburger, artistic director, @ Trout Lake & the papier-mâché "doggy"
by Atty Gell © 2010

• Restore Arts Funding Now! Download & post our free poster here >>

"Giving Exposure to Voices Seldom Heard" since 1994

We're  on facebook... ... follow us on twitter... ...

About TiTR | Mission Statement | Past Productions | Upcoming Productions | Our Sponsors |Join & Donate | Links | Site Map

© 1994-2024 Theatre in The Raw Society | All Rights Reserved | Drawing of Jay: Atty Gell | Photos: © 1994-2024

>>> Theatre in The Raw <<<
Mailing Address: 3521 Marshall Street, Vancouver, BC V5N 4S2
Telephone: 604-708-5448
Email: info@theatreintheraw.ca

site design/content by weaver & Katrina Sedaros

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